Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April25th and 26th

Stayed the night at the Chief's Rest House 1929 which was very colonial in style - we had a very large room all for 10 pounds. We are now into a more conservative muslim area and for example one is expected to remove ones shoes before entering any building such as a house or office. Most of the men are now wearing the traditional Malaysian cap and virtually all women wear the very least the head scarf. The people are very friendly and we are tooted at throughout the day when we are on the bike. people call out Good Morning what ever time of day it is. Linda regularly gets the thumbs up from the women when they realize she is on the back of the tandem. all the men sit lotus fashion when they are resting or eating ( this is not a position Jeff has yet adopted but I intend to get him to have a go but bum still a bit tender as is mine).
Although we left at 5.30am we got lost and went 12 miles out of our way ending in a 56 mile journey! At dawn we found ourselves beside the sea and a river - there was a little mist and the sunrise was glorious. Then we had a little diversion when Linda got ants in her pants and was seen dancing the light fandango across the sand. We had decided once we found the right route to take a minor road by the sea. We continued along this route for about 6 miles . We stopped to look at some water buffalo and tried to take a photograph of a kingfisher. Between the road and the sea were a number of Kampongs which are small settlements. between each of the houses were coconut trees. It was very quite and very beautiful. However as we discovered there was little traffic on the road as it came to a dead end with an army camp on it so we had to divert yet again back onto the main road.
eventually we got to Kuantan which is a city beside a large river. We found a very nice hotel in the centre of the town adjacent to a mosque called Masjid Negeri which is the largest mosque on the East coast of Malaysia. It was magnificent - we heard the Iman preaching throughout the evening via a loud speaker system and he was at it again this morning at 5 am.
We are now in Cherating and have a lovely beach hut right by the beach and we are off to have a swim in a minute.


Pacmacca said...

we dont know what we are more impressed by, the miles you are doing on the tandem or the fact that you manage to find internet cafes in each of the remote places you end up in to send your daily updates.
Keep peddling Barrie & Val

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeff and Linda, sorry I missed you before you left the UK Jeff, but good luck with your epic journey; it makes good reading.

Gordon and Joy said...

Hi Jeff and Linda

We stayed at Kuantan in the late 80's and so your blog brought back memories. Keep on biking while you are still fit enough - believe us, retirement passes more quickly than work. By the way, only one complaint. Where are the photos on the blog?

Best regards

Gordon and Joy