Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 7th Aberfeldy - Calvine

An easy days ride with good weather ie it did not rain! Cycled on route 7 alongside river Tay in full flood after the recent rain. This stretch of river used by National Kayak school. Cycled across River tay on listed viaduct bridge owned by Logierait Bridge Company. Restored 2001 that cost £400.000. Now owned by the local comunity. Crossed A9 and continued on route 7 to Pitlochry where we stopped for coffee. Met a couple doing End to End who set off at about the same time as us and were due to arrive like us on July 12th at John 0' Groats. Found an internet place and updated our blog and then on through Killiecrankie, where the curious name is the best place about the place, passed Blair castle and Blair Atholl and onto Calvine which we reached in record time because the road was flat. Struan Inn not in Calvine but in Struan! Half a mile further down a steep hill which means up a steep hill in the morning.
We have seen over the last few days a number of signs saying "Beware squirrels". Today we came across a sign saying " Beware Red squirrels". I was just saying to Linda that I had never seen a red squirrel when one obligingly ran across the road in front of us. We tried to photogragh it but it was too canny and went too high in the tree.
Struan Gorge has road and rail bridges over the dramatic rapids - water roaring 30 feet below us.
We had dinner by ourselves in a room set to seat 26! Although the landlady had maintained high standards she was in fact trying to sell and she said her heart was no longer in it. It seemed a little sad. It was cold, windy, rainy, and she had the central heating on. She produced a great Scottish breakfast and gave us a generous donation. (50 miles)

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